Did you know that roughly half of all U.S. pregnancies are unplanned? Having a baby is a big deal, for anyone, at any time, planned or unplanned. When bad timing, lack of support, or shame get into the mix, a pregnancy can start to look impossible. This is why 43% of unplanned pregnancies in our nation end in abortion.

What makes this tragedy even worse is the reality that women don’t want to have abortions. They have abortions because they feel trapped, and they think it’s their only way out.

You can help pregnant mothers in your community by giving them back their freedom, the freedom to choose life.

Since 2014, compassionate people like you have helped over 600 pregnant mothers choose life for their unborn children through Hope Life Center. These mothers were given the gift of seeing their developing baby through ultrasound and hearing their baby’s heartbeat for the first time. They were also cared for by expert nurses trained in pregnancy decision coaching.

Today, seven out of ten of the pregnant mothers who walk through the doors of Hope Life Center choose life. This means that every woman who walks through our doors is unlikely to walk through the doors of an abortion clinic.  

Your gift today will bring life-affirming services to mothers considering abortion by: 

  • Providing our clinic in the Sauk Valley with the resources to continue providing free pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, and pregnancy decision coaching
  • Keeping our helpline open to answer calls and minister to mothers facing difficult pregnancy decisions
  • Building a network of life-affirming clinics across the state

Please use the secure form below to make your gift today and help pregnant mothers in your community find the freedom to choose life for their unborn children.